Enhancing Discoverability on the Too Good To Go App


This case study was written by Matt Chavez-Delgado [mentored by Thais Garcia]


“Too Good To Go” is a service that connects users to restaurants and shops with unsold food. Users benefit by buying “surprise bags” from their favourite restaurants and shops at a great discount. And sellers benefit by being able to sell food they would otherwise have to discard. Great discounts and reduced food waste – everybody wins.

The Problem

Keyword search and map search features are difficult to find in the Too Good To Go app. In usability tests 7 out of 8 participants failed to find the map search tool and abandoned their task.

Too Good To Go is not a delivery app and users must pickup their “surprise bags” at set times. During interviews most participants indicated that a lack of nearby sellers was their biggest obstacle to completing purchases on the app.

Check out the entire “Enhancing Discoverability on the Too Good To Go App” case study —>