Product Design: Writer’s App by Yufei Su
Project Overview
Writers often face productivity challenges during the writing process, such as difficulty organising scattered drafts and notes, managing writing time and word count, and a desire for interaction and communication with others. While there are some similar tools available on the market that can help solve some of their problems, many writers don’t want to invest too much time or money in learning and using them because those tools are not all free for all features or need complex operations. Thus, writers usually use multiple platforms simultaneously to create their work. This will affect the writer’s creative efficiency and creative passion.
We need an app designed to increase writers’ productivity and consistency and boost their motivation to keep working on their projects.
Create a user-friendly application to assist the user’s creative process and boost their productivity and consistency.
Deadline: There is currently no deadline for this project.
Technology: React, PWA Framework.
Key features: Would be to have a first version with the main features. such as File management, a word processor, a writing timer, viewing productivity data, setting writing goals, and showing the activity of other users.
Valentina is the founder of UX Tree and a Design Manager at Vhi, with over 10 years of experience in UX. She completed her master's degree in UX at IADT in 2020. Valentina is deeply passionate about mentoring, helping junior designers grow, and is especially keen on strategy and UI design.