Revamping the Live Events feature on Spotify
This case study was written by Sami DeLuca [mentored by Samuel Payne]
This project was completed throughout my time within the third cohort of the UX Tree Mentorship Programme as my final project submission.
Spotify recently revamped their Concert Hub with the replacement of a new “Live Events” feed tailoring live shows to users’ in-app listening habits and musical taste(s) – if a user happens to stumble across it. The feed is a bit unintuitive as it needs to be searched for, but how is one to search for it if they don’t know it exists?
Spotify is seemingly lacking when it comes to social capabilities within the app. So, going one step further, I’d like to add a social feature to the Live Events feed – allowing members to connect with fellow users in their area based on musical tastes and offering the ability for those who partake to find new concert friends. Since music has the ability to bring people together, I think it is a perfect to introduce this capability within the music app itself.
For Spotify, including the Live Events feed on a user’s homepage will bring awareness to the new capability within the app. Presenting users with these events also keeps users in-app for a longer period of time, eliminating time spent on other sites or applications (for instance, BandsInTown) and, in some ways, can introduce Spotify as a one-stop shop in a user’s musical journey.
For its users, having everything consolidated into one app is efficient and productive. Notifying users of events based on what they’ve listened to or who their favorites are is extremely convenient and exciting.
Also, for those that do not like venturing to these types of social outings solo, it gives those the opportunity to find fellow solo concert-goers or new friends based on interests. There are seemingly many people that refrain from attending live events if they have no one to accompany them (this hypothesis was tested in survey and interviews).
Check out the entire “Revamping the Live Events feature on Spotify” case study —>